To complete the login process we would need to update the app state with the session to reflect that the user has logged in.

Update the App State

First we’ll start by updating the application state by setting that the user is logged in. We might be tempted to store this in the Login container, but since we are going to use this in a lot of other places, it makes sense to lift up the state. The most logical place to do this will be in our App component.

Add the following to src/App.js right below the class App extends Component { line.

constructor(props) {

  this.state = {
    isAuthenticated: false

userHasAuthenticated = authenticated => {
  this.setState({ isAuthenticated: authenticated });

This initializes the isAuthenticated flag in the App’s state. And calling userHasAuthenticated updates it. But for the Login container to call this method we need to pass a reference of this method to it.

Pass the Session State to the Routes

We can do this by passing in a couple of props to the child component of the routes that the App component creates.

Add the following right below the render() { line in src/App.js.

const childProps = {
  isAuthenticated: this.state.isAuthenticated,
  userHasAuthenticated: this.userHasAuthenticated

And pass them into our Routes component by replacing the following line in the render method of src/App.js.

<Routes />

With this.

<Routes childProps={childProps} />

Currently, our Routes component does not do anything with the passed in childProps. We need it to apply these props to the child component it is going to render. In this case we need it to apply them to our Login component.

To do this, create a new component in src/components/AppliedRoute.js and add the following.

import React from "react";
import { Route } from "react-router-dom";

export default ({ component: C, props: cProps, }) =>
  <Route {} render={props => <C {...props} {...cProps} />} />;

This simple component creates a Route where the child component that it renders contains the passed in props. Let’s take a quick look at how this being done.

  • The Route component takes a prop called component that represents the component that will be rendered when a matching route is found. We want our childProps to be sent to this component.

  • The Route component can also take a render method in place of the component. This allows us to control what is passed in to our component.

  • Based on this we can create a component that returns a Route and takes a component and childProps prop. This allows us to pass in the component we want rendered and the props that we want applied.

  • Finally, we take component (set as C) and props (set as cProps) and render inside our Route using the inline function; props => <C {...props} {...cProps} />. Note, the props variable in this case is what the Route component passes us. Whereas, the cProps is the childProps that want to set.

Now to use this component, we are going to include it in the routes where we need to have the childProps passed in.

Replace the export default () => ( method in src/Routes.js with the following.

export default ({ childProps }) =>
    <AppliedRoute path="/" exact component={Home} props={childProps} />
    <AppliedRoute path="/login" exact component={Login} props={childProps} />
    { /* Finally, catch all unmatched routes */ }
    <Route component={NotFound} />

And import the new component in the header of src/Routes.js.

import AppliedRoute from "./components/AppliedRoute";

Now in the Login container we’ll call the userHasAuthenticated method.

Replace the alert('Logged in'); line with the following in src/containers/Login.js.


Create a Logout Button

We can now use this to display a Logout button once the user logs in. Find the following in our src/App.js.

<RouteNavItem href="/signup">Signup</RouteNavItem>
<RouteNavItem href="/login">Login</RouteNavItem>

And replace it with this:

  ? <NavItem onClick={this.handleLogout}>Logout</NavItem>
  : [
      <RouteNavItem key={1} href="/signup">
      <RouteNavItem key={2} href="/login">

Also, import the NavItem in the header.

Replace the react-bootstrap import in the header of src/App.js with the following.

import { Nav, NavItem, Navbar } from "react-bootstrap";

And add this handleLogout method to src/App.js above the render() { line as well.

handleLogout = event => {

Now head over to your browser and try logging in with the admin credentials we created in the Create a Cognito Test User chapter. You should see the Logout button appear right away.

Login state updated screenshot

Now if you refresh your page you should be logged out again. This is because we are not initializing the state from the browser session. Let’s look at how to do that next.